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Our very first State of the Pants was published on May 26, 2020. Over two years later, we've been on quite the journey together, watching the Ponderosa Pants grow from an idea, then a prototype, and finally an award-winning product. And it is with continued excitement, mixed in with a tinge of nostalgia, that we announce that today is our final state of the pants. 

Don't worry - we're not going anywhere. But we are outgrowing being just a pants company. We will be announcing our second product to complement the Ponderosa Pants later this month, with a launch date for this winter. This comes after a summer spent working on prototypes and fit testing with incredible folks all across the West Coast. We cannot wait to share all of the details with you - we are so proud of what's to come! 

A blue, red, and dark grey material.

But that's not the only news. This is a State of the Pants, after all. Today we are excited to share that we are on track to update our size range to include up to size 30 as soon as this winter. This has been one of our biggest goals since we first began (and while tall and short sizes are goals, too, they're a bit further down the road map!). While exact dates are still being finalized, we can tell you that we hit the drawing board again, making sure that we did more than just algorithmically change the pants. We put them on more amazing fit testers, we adjusted sizing to make sure that the change from a size 16 to a size 26 actually reflected how our bodies change from those sizes, too. And, we can share that we will be launching a pre-sale for sizes 26-30 before the holiday season. 

A pair of the Ponderosa Pants being cut and sewn.

If that's not news enough, we've been relieved to see our supply chain slowly but surely beginning to stabilize. Our challenges there are by no means over, but this means that we have almost all sizes and fit styles of the Ponderosa Pants available for folks right now. In addition, we cannot brag enough about our incredible retail partners, located across the United States, that provide in-person stores where you can try on the pants yourself before taking home with you. If you haven't yet, check out our retail partners map and find the nearest to you. 

Our last State of the Pants may be the most exciting yet, as it is a sign of all that is to come. We can't wait to explore the possibilities of what the outdoors has in store for us, together.